August Special Discount

Summer Special Discount #2

Hello fellow Budoka,
Here we are in the second part of summer with temperatures exceeding records all around the world. We have to stay careful in these demanding times and take care of each other!

Our last discount on a selection of summer products was quite a success so we decided to continue on the same path for this month! So, once again, we're offering 10% OFF a summer product selection! Dogi, towels, Setta, Juban, Bags, and more products will be discounted so this is the perfect opportunity if you missed our last discount and still want to practice in the best conditions until the end of summer!

This discount will run until August 31st, 3 pm JPT.

July report

  • Things are not always happening as we wish they would be and we're saddened to tell you that the Jisei brand no longer exists. This doesn't mean the workshop closed, it means that a non-disclosed agreement between a key player in the industry and the workshop resulted in the termination of our relationship with the workshop. Accordingly, Seido has removed all Jisei products from its catalog, except inStock products, which will be discontinued once out of stock. We invite you to consult our blog article for more information on this situation: History of our collaboration with the Murayama Token Workshop (Jisei brand)
  • As bad news often comes in packages, we have to report a price increase of 10 to 20% for all Minosaka products. The reason for this price increase is the increased raw material cost, the fall of the currency exchange rate between YEN and USD, and the enormous inflation Japan currently suffers (as most of the world). The currency exchange issue comes as an advantage for our customers paying in US dollars, as it mechanically reduced our product prices by 20% between March and July, negating the price increase. (Thanks to Seido's prices being set up in YEN, our customers always pay the best price possible applicable at the time of the order).
  • As you already know, we are publishing videos from the 59th All Japan Aikido Demonstration on our channel! Check out our dedicated playlist.

That's it for this month, enjoy the discount, and see you soon on!

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