February Sale

10% Off on all Iaito & Katanakake

After a heavy but fun snow episode in Tokyo mid January, and our annual inventory this week, we just realized that we're already one month into 2018! Another year, that's gonna pass fast. 

Working on some Iaito related projects put us in the mood for a Iaito discount, so here it is: 10% off on ALL Iaito and their stands. 

January was relatively busy at the office, and hence a little calm on our Youtube channel, but it will change very soon with the release of our interviews with Baptiste Tavernier (Jukendo/Tankendo), Kimura Yasuko (Tendo Ryu), Guillaume Erard (Aikido) and a fourth one that we keep secret for now!
And in addition to those interviews, you can expect more than 30 videos after the All Japan Kobudo taking place on February 5th, so, stay tuned!

Enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on SeidoShop.com!

Note that this offer ends on March 1st, 10 AM (Japan time)

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