Golden Week 2019

Golden Week 2019 - 10 consecutive days of holidays

In an unprecedented move, Emperor Akihito of Japan has decided to abdicate and leave the succession to his elder son Prince Naruhito. The date is set for April 30th 2019, which makes it de facto a National holiday.

In Japan, April 29th (Showa Day), May 3rd (Constitution Memorial), May 4th (Greenery day) and May 5th (Children's day) are already national holidays, and the Japanese law states that when a National holidays is a Sunday it is put back to the next Monday and that a working day becomes a holiday when sandwiched between two national holidays.
Therefore, for the first time in its history, Japan will benefit from 10 days of uninterrupted holidays from April 27th to May 6th.

All suppliers, carriers and partners will be closed during the complete holidays, except for the Japan Post that will maintain limited service.
In order to avoid hundreds of orders piling up for Tuesday 7th, we will be working on May 1st, although we will only be able to ship a minimum number of orders and only with Japan Post.
Normal operation will resume on Tuesday 7th. However, we have set our system to indicate the first shipments on Wednesday 8th. We can only guarantee that all orders that are supposed to ship within 36h (products in stock only) will be shipped on Wednesday 8th at the latest.

Please also note that orders containing products which are order-made or out of stock might suffer a delay of about 2 weeks if their production/preparation time includes the Golden Week. This delay is taken into account by our system and the date indicated at checkout stays accurate.

As usual, our team is taking work home and will continue to answers emails at a slower pace and our website will stay fully operational.

Given this unusually long holiday, if you are not in a hurry regarding your order or inquiry, we recommend waiting after the holidays. This will allow us to take the time to answer your questions with more attention.

More information about the 2019 Japanese Imperial Transition on Wikipedia.

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