March Special Discount

March Special Discount!

Hello fellow Budoka!
We're already in March and Spring is just around the corner. We will soon enjoy warmer days and cherry blossoms all around Japan! But good things come to those who wait so let's be a little more patient!

To prepare for Spring's arrival and to renew your practicing gear, we're offering 10% OFF a product selection. Be it a Dogi, Hakama, Belt, Setta, Bags, or more, we hope you will find something to your liking.

This discount will run until March 31st, 3 pm JST.

Also, we wanted to announce a slight change in the way we are managing our Charity Discounts as they will now take place on special occasions throughout the year and last longer. So be ready for our next charity sale which will arrive at the end of this month! We hope you'll be there!

February report

  • We are still publishing videos of the Kagami Biraki & Budo Hajime event that was held last January, don't forget to check out our dedicated playlist and subscribe to our channel if it's not done yet.

That's it for this month, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on!

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