Ueshiba Morihei's weapons

Our latest #BudoStudies video production is live!

A discussion with weapons experts Alexander Bennett, Baptiste Tavernier, Jordy Delage, moderated by Guillaume Erard about the weapons of Morihei Ueshiba and Aikido.
Part 1 & 2 have been published on Guillaume Erard’s and Kendo World's channels, respectively and part 3 has been published on Seido's channel.

Dr Alexander Bennett: professor at Kansai University, Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan, Naginata & Iaido 5th Dan, researcher and author.
Baptiste Tavernier: Tankendo Renshi 6th Dan, Jukendo 5th Dan, Naginata 4th Dan, researcher, writer and artist.
Dr Guillaume Erard: Aikido teacher 5th Dan, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu 3rd Dan, videographer and researcher.
Jordy Delage: Seido Co., Ltd. founder and CEO, videographer, researcher and Aikidoist.

Video shot at YouTube Space Tokyo in collaboration with Kendo World (kendo-world.com) and Guillaume Erard. (guillaumeerard.com) Videos of Ueshiba Morihei kindly provided by Aikido Journal (aikidojournal.com)

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