'Back to the Dojo' Special Discount

10% Off on a selection of 20 essential products from all categories.

The summer break is almost over, and it's about time to go back to the dojo for a new season. 
To help you reequip and for a fresh start, we've selected 20 essential products that will fit both, beginners and advanced alike. 
So, if you're a newcomer, making your first steps on the mat in September, have a look, you will definitely find a few items you need.

As about Seido, this summer has been busier than usual and we haven't had enough time to finish all the projects we had on our to-do-list.
We nevertheless did release the whole interview with Alexander C Bennett on our Youtube Channel, and added a big bunch of new products (including very popular Nunchaku and Tonfa).

We've also released a major update on our website with a few new functionalities and big improvements on loading times. This update prepares some other features that will come in the next few weeks/months

We've published a few blog articles, and we're happy to see that the 'Bokken, Bokuto, Daito, Tachi? Explanation!' article has been the most popular so far! Check it out.

Finally, we also published our first professional documentary on Iaito manufacturing at the Minosaka Workshop on YouTube. This was our biggest YouTube project to this day, but not the last. Shooting for the next project just started last week, so let's hope it won't take us a year to finish this time (we're confident it won't!). 

Enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on SeidoShop.com!

Note that this offer ends on September 29th, 12 PM (Japan time)

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